QJ stainless steel deep well submersible pump
QJ stainless steel deep well submersible pump is used to extract groundwater from deep wells, and can also be used for water lifting projects such as rivers, reservoirs, and canals.
The QJ type submersible pump for wells is a water lifting device that is directly connected to a motor and a water pump to submerge into the water. It is suitable for extracting groundwater from deep wells, and can also be used for water lifting projects such as rivers, reservoirs, and canals: mainly used for farmland irrigation and plateau mountainous areas. Water for humans and animals can also be used for water supply and drainage in cities, factories, railways, mines and construction sites.
main feature:   
1. The motor and water pump body are submerged into the water to operate, which is safe and reliable.
2. There are no special requirements for well pipes and pumping pipes (ie: steel pipe wells, ash pipe wells, earth wells, etc. can be used; steel pipes, rubber pipes, plastic pipes, etc. can be used as pumping pipes under pressure permitting).
3. It is convenient and simple to install, use, and maintain, and it has a small footprint and no need to build a pump house.
4. Simple structure, saving raw materials. Whether the submersible electric pumps are used in suitable conditions and managed properly have a direct relationship with the service life.

Performance parameter table: 






















43m3 1  100QJ1.8-/21-10 0.33 0.25 - 2.5 1.2/25 1.8/21 2.4/15 25mm
2  100QJ1.8-/33-16 0.5 0.37 1.8 3.3 1.2/41 1.8/33 2.4/24  
3  100QJ1.8-/48-23 0.75 0.55 2.1 4.4 1.2/58 1.8/48 2.4/34  
4  100QJ1.8-/66-32 1 0.75 2.5 5.7 1.2/81 1.8/66 2.4/48  
5  100QJ1.8-/92-46 1.5 1.1 3.5 - 1.2/113 1.8/92 2.4/65  
40m3 6  100QJ1.2-59/8 0.5 0.37 3.6 1.8 0.6/67 1.2/59 1.8/46 30mm 100
7  100QJ1.2-86/12 0.75 0.55 4.8 2 0.6/98 1.2/86 1.8/68 1"1/4G
8  100QJ1.2-101/14 1 0.75 6.3 2.5 0.6/114 1.2/101 1.8/80  
9  100QJ1.2-115/16 1.5 1.1 8.6 3.4 0.6/131 1.2/115 1.8/90  
10  100QJ1.2-158/22 2 1.5 10 4.4 0.6/180 1.2/158 1.8/124  
11  100QJ1.2-203/28 3 2.2 14 6.2 0.6/229 1.2/203 1.8/158  
60m3 12  100QJ2-40/6 0.5 0.37 3.6 1.8 1.5/43 2/40 3/30 30mm
13  100QJ2-56/8 0.75 0.55 4.8 2 1.5/60 2/56 3/42 1"1/4G
14  100QJ2-83/12 1 0.75 6.3 2.5 1.5/89 2/83 3/62  
15  100QJ2-109/16 1.5 1.1 8.6 3.4 1.5/116 2/109 3/81  
16  100QJ2-137/20 2 1.5 10 4.4 1.5/146 2/137 3/102  
17  100QJ2-200/30 3 2.2 14 6.2 1.5/214 2/200 3/142  
18  100QJ2-254/40 4 3 - 8.3 1.5/281 2/254 3/180  
19  100QJ2-310/50 5.5 4 - 10.3 1.5/330 2/310 3/235  
100m3 20  100QJ4-30/6 0.75 0.55 4.8 2 3/3 4/30 5/22 40mm
21  100QJ4-39/9 1 0.75 6.3 2.5 3/46 4/39 5/43 1"1/2G
22  100QJ4-60/12 1.5 1.1 8.6 3.4 3/69 4/60 5/43  
23  100QJ4-80/16 2 1.5 10 4.4 3/90 4/80 5/58  
24  100QJ4-100/20 3 2.2 14 6.2 3/115 4/100 5/70  
25  100QJ4-120/24 4 3 - 8.3 3/138 4/120 5/86  
26  100QJ4-140/30 4 3 - 8.3 3/165 4/140 5/102  
27  100QJ4-180/40 5.5 4 - 10.3 3/210 4/180 5/129  
28  100QJ4-255/55 7.5 5.5 - 14 3/287 4/255 5/180  
29  100QJ4-340/75 10 7.5 - 18.5 3/375 4/340 5/245  
150m3 30  100QJ6-28/6 1 0.75 4.8 2.5 4/36 6/28 7/20  
31  100QJ6-40/9 1.5 1.1 8.6 3.4 4/53 6/40 7/30  
32  100QJ6-47/11 2 1.5 10 4.4 4/65 6/47 7/33  
33  100QJ6-59/13 2 1.5 10 4.4 4/78 6/59 7/40  
34  100QJ6-83/18 3 2.2 14 6.2 4/108 6/83 7/57  
35  100QJ6-110/23 4 3 - 8.3 4/152 6/110 7/85  
36  100QJ6-144/32 5.5 4 - 10.3 4/190 6/144 7/103  
37  100QJ6-176/40 7.5 5.5 - 13.7 4/235 6/176 7/127  
38  100QJ6-213/56 10 7.5 - 18.5 4/309 6/213 7/148  
200m3 39  100QJ8-35/8 2 1.5 10 4.4 6/44 8/35 10/24 50mm
40  100QJ8-61/13 3 2.2 14 6.2 6/75 8/61 10/43 2 "G
41  100QJ8-84/17 4 3 - 8.3 6/100 8/84 10/59  
42  100QJ8-96/20 4 3 - 8.6 6/118 8/96 10/68  
43  100QJ8-118/24 5.5 4 - 10.3 6/141 8/118 10/86  
44  100QJ8-143/30 7.5 5.5 - 13.7 6/169 8/143 10/98  
45  100QJ8-171/35 10 7.5 - 18.5 6/205 8/171 10/118  
300m3 46  100QJ10-26/7 2 1.5 10 4.4 8/29 10/26 14/20  
47  100QJ10-39/10 3 2.2 14 6.2 8/44 10/39 14/29  
48  100QJ10-56/13 4 3 - 8.3 8/61 10/56 14/43  
49  100QJ10-75/17 5.5 4 - 10.3 8/82 10/75 14/59  
50  100QJ10-100/22 7.5 5.5 - 13.7 8/109 10/100 14/79  
51  100QJ10-130/28 10 7.5 - 18.5 8/142 10/130 14/102  
400m3 52  100QJ16-25/7 3 2.2 14 6.2 12/31 16/25 20/19  
53  100QJ16-36/10 4 3 - 8.3 12/44 16/36 20/28  
54  100QJ16-50/14 5.5 4 - 10.3 12/62 16/50 20/36  
 100QJ16-63/18 7.5 5.5 - 13.7 12/79 16/63 20/59  
56 100QJ16-75/21 10 7.5 - 18.5 12/93 16/75 20/68  
57 100QJ16-94/25 10 7.5 - 18.5 12/114 16/94 20/83






2021 Sichuan Pearl Pump Industry Co., Ltd 蜀ICP备15008313号-1
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