The organic combination of the improvement of pump design level and the optimization of manufacturing technology
Time:2020/7/31    Source:Pearl Pump Industry    Views:
Entering the information age today, pump designers have already used computer technology for product development and design (such as the use of CAD), which has greatly increased the speed of the design itself and shortened the product design cycle. In the production-oriented manufacturing, the manufacturing technology represented by the numerical control technology CAM has been deeply involved in the production of pumps. However, judging from the domestic situation a few days ago, the numerical control technology CAM is mainly used in the production of mass products. For single-piece or small-batch production, CAM technology has not yet been widely implemented in the pump industry, and single-piece and small-batch production is still dominated by traditional production equipment.
   As the market requires manufacturers to shorten the delivery period as much as possible, especially for special products (products produced according to user requirements) to shorten the supply cycle, it is bound to require pump manufacturers to accelerate the use of CAM technology and even computer integrated manufacturing systems (CIMS). Flexible manufacturing (FMC and FMS) coordinately handle all links from design to manufacturing molds and parts processing to ensure that once the design is completed, the processing of product parts tends to be completed at the same time to ensure that the product production cycle is shortened.
   At the same time, in addition to the use of computer graphics, product strength analysis, reliability prediction and three-dimensional design will be realized on the computer as a carrier, and the process problems, local structural problems and assembly problems that need to be discovered and resolved in production will be eliminated. Issues and other aspects are raised to take precautions before production to shorten the trial production period of products.
2021 Sichuan Pearl Pump Industry Co., Ltd 蜀ICP备15008313号-1
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